The importance of choosing the right cross country ski bindingThe type of ski bindings you get can mean the difference between your ski popping off or staying on when shredding moguls or worse yet, your staying on or falling off in a big fall. It can be very dangerous if your ski pops off when you don't want it to (i.e. when doing moguls aggressively) and it can be even more dangerous for your it to not pop off when you do want it to (i.e. catching a root in the woods). If your ski fails to pop of when it is supposed to the worst case injury scenario jumps from a bruise on your hip and a small hike up the mountain to a shattered knee or broken femur with the possibility of never skiing again. So do your research. Determine what type of skiing you will be doing the most and your ability level. Find out which bindings are best for your style and ability level. Get opinions of others in your same style/ability level as well as from well known pro shops. And just so you know, well known pro shops typically are not your local sports store. Pro shops are shops where you will only find skis, snowboards, accessories and nothing else.
Note: All information about skiing, training, technique and equipment on this website, are only suggestions from me, Fredrik Erixon, and thus, the use of all the material on this site is done at your own risk, and with your own full knowledge of the inherent risks of any skiing, training, fitness or exercise program. This information is not to be considered as a substitute for professional instruction. Before you beginn any kind of Cross Country Ski exercise or workout plan, you, as a reader, should have complete knowledge your own fitness and ability levels, knowledge of your equipment, your exercises program, the locations, and all the skiing methods. I also recommend you to consult with your physician on a regulary basis, and offcorse follow reasonable safety precautions at every time. Good-luck with your Cross Country Ski / Fredrik Erixon